Using Components To Build Sites That Content Editors Love

Using Components To Build Sites That Content Editors Love

The new Block List Editor from Umbraco is out! It's cool because it enables a component-based editing experience.

Why should you care?

It is a win-win for content editors and developers. The Block List Editor allows editors more control over each page to customize the look and feel on a page by page basis. Developers get to focus more time on creating useful building blocks for editors and less time modelling content to create specific Document Types. And designers get to ensure that the content is accessible and adheres to the style guide.


Join us for the Umbraco US Festival on April 15th, 2021 at 3pm Eastern / 12pm Pacific to learn more!


Also, watch this space for details on the code and configuration snippets that you can use to make you Content Editors Happy with their Component editing experience.  


Jason and Mark

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