The Power of Twitter

Twitter Twaffic

Twitter Twaffic

I have just recently hopped on the Twitter bandwagon, hoping to share some news from my design blog at alandesigns. I only have, what, 5 followers right now, so when I shared a link to my latest Adobe Illustrator tutorial I didn't expect much. Lo and behold, I woke up this morning to a whopping 140+ visitors to my site overnight! Almost all of the traffic came from Twitter. Since I'm new to the Twitter game, Jason had to show me the search.twitter way of finding out who had re-"Tweeted" my story. Sure enough, some profile that searches "How to..." found my story and had automatically posted it, and included my blog name (alandesigns) in the post.

The snowball effect is continuing, and I have found other similar Twitter profiles that have linked my same story. Except they don't all include a credit to me! What's up with that? Shouldn't the originator be automatically included in these stories that end up getting passed around willy-nilly? Would you be put off if someone posted your story without credit?


Alan Ballard

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