13 Blog Post Ideas and Other Tips for Business Blogs

What's the Objective?

  1. Earn TRUST - how important are relationships to your business?
  2. Merit CREDIBILITY - how do you prove expertise?
  3. Demonstrate you CARE - do you care enough to share?
  4. Invite FEEDBACK - are phone & email enough for your customers?
  5. Grow your online PRESENCE - how do your customers find you online?
  6. Make someone say "WOW" - is it valuable to be remarkable?
  7. Support your COMMUNITY - we all want a business fan club right?

Sources for Blog Post Topics

  1. Industry news & events
  2. Questions to customer service & front desk
  3. Personal experiences and conversations
  4. Posts on other blogs, Twitter & Facebook
  5. Ask your customers & readers
  6. Stuff from customers (letters, photos, video, cupcakes…)
  7. Popular culture
  8. Empty spaces and knowledge voids online

13 Blog Post Topic Ideas for Your Business

  1. Explain how a recent news event will affect your industry.
  2. List essential resources related to your industry and summarize why.
  3. List and debunk the most common myths in your industry.
  4. Promptly deliver a report from an industry related event.
  5. Compare something complex or misunderstood to something simple or commonly understood.
  6. Deliver timely advice or news relevant to an upcoming holiday or event.
  7. Share a list of changes you are considering for your business.
  8. Make a list of valuable products or services that are complimentary to your business/industry.
  9. Share a list of your favorite replies on Blog, Twitter and/or Facebook.
  10. Share a list of your favorite photos or videos related to your business/industry.
  11. Answer a list of the most commonly asked questions you receive.
  12. Create simple step-by-step directions how to do something.
  13. Invite someone interesting to write a post.

A Few Good Examples


Loyan Roylance

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